
Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is comprised of volunteer members from different AAERT industry segments. It is chaired by a board member appointed by the President. The Membership Committee identifies and reviews membership value, needs, and benefits, and explores ways to retain, promote, and increase membership.

The AAERT Membership Committee is responsible for helping to develop and execute strategies to grow the Association’s membership and maximize member satisfaction. The Committee is also responsible for monitoring industry changes that may impact our members. Specific activities include soliciting feedback from members via on-line surveys, emails and phone calls; analyzing membership categories and fees; and proposing specific initiatives for membership growth to the AAERT Board.

Membership Committee tasks may include:

  • Telephoning members who did not renew to determine why they didn’t renew.
  • Preparing small surveys inquiring about wants, desires, and needs.
  • Reviewing membership demographics and identify specific needs by group.
  • Reviewing renewal procedures and language.
  • Creating a benefits document to be used at trade shows and in membership materials.
  • At the direction of the Board, attending trade conferences to promote AAERT.
  • Meeting and greeting members at the annual conference.

Committee members can expect to commit to about 2 – 3 hours of their time per month to committee related activities and are encouraged to attend the AAERT Annual Conference.

Committee members are required to be AAERT members in good standing.

Committee Chair:

Jennifer Santorelly

Any further questions can be directed to or 518-432-9973.

If you would like to join a committee, fill out the application here.

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