Exam Resources

Best Practices Guide

AAERT does not require any specific type of exam preparation or training, and the exams are not based on any single reference. AAERT credentialing programs and examinations are based on an Exam Specifications "blueprint.” The blueprints govern the competency requirements for each credential and provide the outline of topics for the examinations. Examination questions are developed from the blueprints and applicants should base their examination study on the blueprint.

AAERT publishes and offers for sale a Best Practices Guide, which covers a wide range of professional standards. Candidates are not required to purchase or use the guide in order to qualify for or take the certification examination. PLEASE NOTE: As standards change and the profession evolves, some of the information in the guide may become outdated.

As a courtesy to individuals interested in taking a certification examination, AAERT may publish on its website a list of courses and/or approved schools for examination preparation of which it is aware. AAERT does not endorse any specific person, product, resource, or service as a means of preparing for or achieving certification. Candidates are encouraged to plan their own course of study by reviewing the examination blueprint, identifying any areas of weakness, and securing the necessary resources to adequately prepare for the examination.

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CET Practical Exam Transcript Template and Formatting

As a national certification, AAERT has adopted the FEDERAL TRANSCRIPT FORMAT for the CET Practical Exam.
Please note, formats for your particular contracts and/or jurisdictions may vary from federal requirements.

You can use the following partial list, however, to view brief samples of the format’s primary elements, drawn from several different cases for illustrative purposes here. Below are WORD and PDF files to assist you in preparing for the exams.

Here are specific examples and solutions for federal formatting required for the CET exam.

  • Digital Log Notes (Example of log notes provided to tester for CET practical exam)
  • Transcriber Tips / Usage Notes
  • Federal Format Template
    A Word file with a 25-line line-numbering array. The line numbering remains fixed whether text needs to be single or double-spaced, or a combination of the two.
  • Page Headers
    Word and WordPerfect tips on centered running headers.
  • CAT Software Template
    The CAT software Federal layout is for CaseCATalyst. In order to add to either of the programs, the user would Restore, Go to Manage Jobs > Ctrl-R to Restore > Select the .zip folder from the Downloads directory or where the user downloaded it from our site (Do not unzip) > Click OK

Recorded Conference Presentations

These presentations discuss some of the material on the exam, as well as common mistakes made on the CET practical exam.

CET Practical Exam Overview recorded presentation - 2022 Annual Conference

Sample Question for our AAERT Online Exams

The above audio sample question is shown here only for reference of how the question will appear on your screen when taking the exam. The Audio icons above would work in a normal situation, but as this is only a snapshot of what the exam will look like, the audio icons are not operational in this sample question.

You may hear the audio response related to this question if you have speakers/audio capabilities on your computer and a program to play the linked MP3 file.

Practice Sample CET Practical Exam Transcript

Test your skills. We have provided you with practice audio below, along with the required documents. This practice audio is a 2-channel recording. In an AAERT test situation, there will be 4-channel audio.

Case Information Record-Scalini

Log Notes-Scalini

Audio Files-Scalini

Practice Transcript KEY - Scalini

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