Marybeth Burke-Dring was born and raised in South Jersey before going to college in North Jersey and graduating from Montclair State University in 1994. A true Jersey girl at heart she is not afraid to say what has to get done and see that it gets done.
While in college she worked on and off in her father's court reporting and transcription firm before going to work in the fashion industry in New York. After a couple of years working in New York she returned home realizing that the electronic reporting industry and the people in it were a much better fit for her. While in New York she gained a great deal of experience in working with customers and managing a diverse group of people. This experience helped her to become a customer service-based manager while understanding the needs of individuals in the industry.
After returning to South Jersey she began working in her father's office and doing federal hearings in Philadelphia. While working in her father's office she gained the experience to eventually transition into her own firm. However, she felt the need to have the business education that she lacked. So she attended classes at Rutgers Camden to gain the business education that she had not originally sought in college.
In 2002 Ms. Burke-Dring took over as the General Manager of Burke Court Reporting Company, which was closed out a year later when she founded her own company Burke Court Reporting, LLC. Then in 2018 the name was changed to Burke Court Reporting & Transcription to reflect the amount of transcribing that is currently being prepared.
Over the course of her career she has worked on and held municipal, state and federal contracts. As well as handle deposition work with private, corporate and government attorneys. This has all been possible by overseeing approximately 50 or so subcontractors over the past 25 years.
While obtaining her New Jersey Agency Director Transcribing license she realized just how hard transcribing can be and gained tremendous respect for transcribers and the need that they have for good recordings, and therefore good reporters. Having started in reporting when cassette tapes were still being used on both analog and four channel machines she has not only transitioned over to digital, but has helped numerous reporters and transcribers transition over to digital reporting as well.
Some of the things Ms. Burke-Dring has done to help those reporters and transcribers in the past includes serving as AAERT treasurer for two years, editing the current BPG, working closely with another board member to finalize the AAERT policies and procedures, and being a part of the current DCR certification task force. Her current goal is to work with AAERT and the Board to be able to continue to help both reporters and transcribers not only in her own organization, but in others as well.