Shaylah Kiser
Hello, you awesome individual reading this. I was nominated for board position by someone in the industry that either wanted to see my vision brought to AAERT or thought my dedication was honorable. Either way, that being said, allow me to introduce myself.
I am Shaylah Kiser, the founder and owner of Shaylah Burrill and Associates, LLC, and Kiser’s Reporting. With a strong passion for accuracy and professionalism in the legal field, I have built a reputation for providing top-notch court reporting services to clients in need. I am a dedicated professional who takes my position very seriously. We get folks at their lowest points at times, and they should not have anything court reporting related to worry about. That being said, I am known for my strong work ethic, diligence, and commitment to excellence. I am a very family-oriented individual, so I’ll mention a well-known Mary-Kay saying that I like to live by. My life is God first, family second, then career. As a wife to a wonderful man and fellow digital reporter, mother of 6 beautiful children, and grandmother, I have trained and will train my entire family in digital reporting. I value the importance of training and mentoring others in the industry. Over the years, I have trained many individuals and have helped them develop the necessary skills to succeed in the field of court reporting. My husband, being my number one trainee, made our tag team very well-known together in the region. In addition to my work in the legal field, I am always striving to expand my knowledge and abilities.
I am committed to lifelong learning and am constantly seeking out opportunities to improve my skills. I hold a bachelors in Business, I have completed a few Blueledge courses, and I am currently a law school student. I hold certifications from the American Association of Electronic Reporters and Transcribers (AAERT) as a Certified Electronic Reporter (CER) and a Certified Deposition Reporter (CDR). Through my dedication to my craft and my commitment to ongoing education, I continue to excel as a digital court reporter and a trusted professional in the legal community. To learn more about Shaylah Burrill and Associates, LLC, please visit
Your Business/Occupation
In one or two sentences, explain your services or products.
Shaylah Burrill and Associates, LLC and Kiser’s Reporting are legal support and court reporting firms. They offer a variety of legal support services, including court reporting services. Kiser's Reporting is strictly Court Reporting services.
Our Industry
A. How would you describe the challenges and opportunities that our industry faces (in the Court, Agency, and Deposition markets)?
B. What do you see as the challenges and opportunities?
In the court reporting industry, one challenge is that there isn't one real advocate for strictly electronic, (Electronic court reporting, involves using audio and video equipment to record proceedings which are later transcribed by a trained/certified transcriber, who produces a written transcript of the proceedings). However, the opportunity is that AI will make reporters better with the software provided, but still needed. Making digital acceptable is happening, but with reluctancy.
Again, in the Electronic court reporting industry, one challenge is that there isn't one real advocate for strictly electronic as there is for steno (Stenography is using a stenotype machine to record spoken words phonetically). Advancements in how things are done and simplified make the author very curious as to what can really be achieved with the industry, and I am overly optimistic.
Reason(s) To Run
A. What is/are the reason(s) you decided to run for the board?
B. Whom and what do you want to impact?
I am certain that change needs to happen, and I believe I can bring that with whatever constraints may be before me in opposition. I have so many views and opinions to offer with driving ambitions.
I want to reach our youth, those that have never heard of a court reporter, our court reporters that feel they are not accepted for various reasons, and those that are curious about the industry.
Your Goal
A. If you had a mandate—board authorization, financial resources, member support—what do you want to do?
B. How would you improve the capabilities of our members (reporters, transcribers, proofreaders, videographers, business owners and executives)?
Put AAERT to work. Get more guidelines for members and those certified. Offer a better website and more information to paid members. Show them where most of their dollars go and branch off to offer regular AAERT, nationwide and statewide to name a few.
Keep members in the loop and involved even if they are not committee members. Offer added free CEUs to get needed information out. Having monthly meetings for all members, not mandatory, but something to let members know about them and their opinions are valued, offer a better online presence.
A. How long have you been a member?
B. How many conferences have you attended? If you have not attended conferences, would you explain why not?
C. Do you plan to attend this year’s conference?
About 3 years or so
No, I am tired of Washington, DC and will likely be there anyway in a working capacity.
A. What has been your leadership experience?
B. Do you have experience as a board member of a non-profit organization?
C. Please list the organizations, your positions, and duties.
Well, I’m a mother of 5 boys and 1 girl and a grandmother. I have been on 3 PTO’s simultaneously, I run a small business, and I am a valued member of my church, while currently caring for my elderly parents. I also give mini seminars and run and maintain a small business, and sit in a couple local community committees as a voting member.
No board member position, but a couple recent ones are. Shawneeland Community - voting member - to attend and keep minutes of the meetings, vote when needed, assemble flyers. Frederick county poll worker - Keep an orderly poll area.