Professional Conferences Are a Must

A Look Back at S|T|A|R in April, and a Look Ahead to the AAERT Conference

A Look Back at S|T|A|R in April, and a Look Ahead to the AAERT Conference

As we approach the AAERT Annual Conference and Leadership Summit coming up June 20-22 in Washington, D.C., let’s look back at STARCON24, STAR ‘s April 18-20 conference. STAR ( is an association that is inclusive of reporters working in all disciplines including steno, digital, and voice, as well as agencies and tech companies.

The STARCON24 Conference was held in sunny San Diego at the Marriott Coronado Island Resort and Spa. Participants included 165 attendees, panelists, and presenters, and 14 vendors and sponsors. CEUs were offered for all attendees including AAERT, NVRA, and NCRA members.

Without question, the highlight of the conference was a session that included a live demonstration of the three capture methods—digital, steno, and voice—side by side, all in real time. Any doubts about digital reporting were dispelled. Each reporter very clearly demonstrated that regardless of capture method, they were all professional reporters. They also spoke about their experience, educational background, and training.

The second most popular session was a panel with three practicing attorneys, giving the audience a chance to ask questions regarding our industry. The overall takeaway from this session was that accuracy of their transcripts is paramount to them and their cases. The transcript IS the record. Regardless of capture method, if they receive a professional, accurate, and admissible transcript, they are satisfied.

There was time for recreation as well. The waterfront property had walking paths and easy proximity to shops and restaurants, and it was across the bay from the largest U.S. Naval base and Navy Seal training grounds, with helicopters and jets overhead amazing everyone. The Friday night excursion featured a trolley ride across the bay to the Air and Space Museum, where a reception was catered by STAR.

Attending professional conferences is crucial for all of us in this industry. These events provide unparalleled opportunities to connect with peers, industry leaders, and potential clients. By sharing experiences and best practices, attendees can enhance their skills, stay updated with the latest industry trends, and gain insights into new technologies and methodologies. The collaborative conference environment fosters professional growth and innovation, which are essential for maintaining a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving field of digital reporting and transcription.

We hope to see you this year at AAERT’s Annual Conference and Leadership Summit. Highlights include several professional panels and presentations; exhibitors and sponsors; a trip to the Library of Congress; several meals, receptions, and social opportunities; and the opportunity to take a CDR, CER, or CET certification test on-site.

AAERT Leadership Summit and Conference schedule:

AAERT 2023 conference recap and photos:


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